Wonder Woman Book Tag

Hey Guys,


I was tagged by the amazing Marillcollins I highly recommend checking her out not is she a great blogger but she is a great friend she is a Ya and contemporary reader she also does film reviews I highly recommend checking her out. I am a huge Marvel fan my favourites character has to be Iron Fist and Daredevil I am currently watching Daredevil and loving it so I thought I watched wonder women the day it came out on cinema and I can’t wait to watch the new Avengers I just need to watch Guardians of the Galaxy.

Anyway time for the tag.


Wonder Woman: Your favourite badass female book character?


cdb1e6e099795bdc93db9f51c6e4bde7.jpgFor me it has to be Feyer I know some people don’t agree but she has had to hunt to help her family survive and risk killing a shape shifter also had to deal with Tamlin nearly killing her and then at the end of the book sacrificing her life for her Mate Rhysand and friends life going back to Tamlin so yeah she a my favourite.


Fantasy Island: A book setting you want to escape to?

divergent.jpg I would love to go to Dauntless because of the action that goes on there like throwing themselves off trains and knife throwing oh um the slip line sounds really fun maybe its the daredevil in me (laughs) I could totally be Dauntless.


London: A hyped book that let you down

(laughs) I love how chose London for this question.


The reason why I chose this is because it’s still a hyped book not like it’s a great book that’s just come out hype but it’s still popular I agree with the first three books getting the hype but they shouldn’t have made a fourth book it’s really slow paced and maybe it’s due to my high expectations.

Steve Trevor: A book that has a beautiful cover and a great story (I.E. great personality)?
Steve was one of my favourite characters.

 You can say the covers for every series isn’t beautiful I am tempted to buy them in paperback I love the soul guardians it’s got forbidden love, demon fighting and talking chimps what more could you ask for.

Lasso of Truth: A Book you hated?
Don’t hate me for saying this but.

I absolutely love the first book me and my friend love Minho but I could get into this second book no matter how hard I try and I may have Dnf it but I am planning to try the series again maybe it was just what I have read before this maybe.
Wonder Woman’s Shield: A book so sad you need a shield?

 I acually  have an ironic story for this question my family member was in hospital so to cheer me up they went to the book shop and bought me the second and third book to cheer me up which did work till I read the end if this book and was crying due to what happened in the end and they thought I was crying about them which now saying isn’t sound ironic anyho. 

No Man’s Land: A book you want to send through No Man’s Land (i.e. shoot it to death)?
Wow did expet that umm probably.

 If you have read this last book you know why I think it shouldn’t have been written I throw the book in the bin after reading it because he finally made it how it should have been and then just ruined it by writing this should have finished at nevermore.
Ares: A Villain that is scary, but you can’t seem to hate?

I am going to answer Jack from the witches kiss by Katherine Corr and Elizabeth corr because technically he was a villan even though he was cursed but it was kinda scared me what he does when he is cursed but then you see his kind side and you know you should hate him for what his done but in your heart you know you love him to bits.

Dr. Poison: A Villain that has no reason to exist?

I am just going to say it I thought that Emma in the Divisa series I know she a hunter that hunts Divisa’s but she was just annoying I liked it better when she was on there side but I understand why J.L’s did it.

The Amazons: A book that you wish had more/better LGBT+ representation?

Non that I know off but I will put it in here if I do.

Justice League: What superhero book friends do you tag?

I tag:

You do not have to do this tag also if you wish to do the tag those I haven’t tag feel free to.

Savannah@thebookprophetSydney@fireandrainbooksSarah@betweenthepagesAbookblog, MaddieA@OfreadingrandomthingsTwintales@twintalesbookreviewKayla@Kdrewthebookworm and Shopiethestark@blameitonchocolate 

Happy Reading 

37 thoughts on “Wonder Woman Book Tag

  1. Thanks for the tag! OMG i agree with your Maximum Ride Answer! I remember loving the series and being so happy at Nevermore and then I read Maximum Ride Forever and I was like WTF no you can’t do this to me. Broke my heart I still haven’t gotten up the nerve to reread the series even thought I really enjoyed it.

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    1. You’re welcome 😊 I know what you mean dont get me wrong Max and Fang having a kid was cool but she was about 15/16 which was wrong and she wasn’t acting like Max and when Fang left again that really annoyed me that was just some of it though there was a lot more wrong the whole book really I hope I can get back into the series though maybe you should try reading it but I wouldn’t recommend watching the film better of watch piera Forde ‘s short films on youtube.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this tag! The points you make about Feyre aren’t wrong she sacrifices so much to all the people she loves and never asks for the same in return, she might not be a baddass in fighting skills but she has a badass heart

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the tag! Haha that’s funny how your friend brought you Allegiant while you were in the hospital to cheer you up but it ended up having the opposite effect.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OH YEAH FEYRE IS FRICKEN BADASS ALL RIGHT. I second your decision. Ugh I didn’t finish The Scorch Trials either! My friend had told me that the books just got worse and worse from there so I was like why bother? DUDE YOU’VE READ MAXIMUM RIDE NO WAY. I feel like no one reads that book. I mean the writing IS crap…the graphic novels are sooooo good though. What really really bothers me about Nevermore is that on every page of the book at the top it says that it’s the final book in the series and then it ends when the world is on fire. I was like: “…”

    Thanks for tagging me!!

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